Parents are an integral part of the rich fabric of WSMS life. Their presence is felt everywhere in the School, whether they’re grabbing a cup of coffee in the Parents Room/Library, staying for a few minutes in the classroom at drop-off, attending evening workshops, or helping out with the Fall Festival, Yearbook, or Auction. We are deeply committed to our partnership with parents, and we include caregivers, grandparents, alumni parents, and other educators in our community. Our vibrant Parents Association strengthens ties among parents through its many events and activities, and raises funds for the School’s financial aid program through the annual Auction. The Board of Trustees, which sets policy for the School and is responsible for its long-term sustainability and fiscal stability, consists mostly of current or former WSMS parents.
We are in awe of the amount of time, talent, and goodwill bestowed so freely by our parent community. The Parents Association co-presidents set the tone by assembling an energetic, creative, and hardworking group of committee chairs and class representatives. To inquire about volunteering, please email the PA co-presidents at