• Montessori Inclusion Endorsement

    Offered at IT, EC and ELI-II levels

The Montessori Inclusion Endorsement rests on the foundation of Dr. Montessori’s pedagogy.

Dr. Montessori had a rich history of working to support diverse learners, including children with varying disabilities at the Orthophrenic School in Rome. Through her studies, she recognized that children who were challenged in learning experiences could be referred to as exhibiting unequal development. The diagram of the four planes of development for the typical child shows all of the lines from birth to age 24 as straight lines. For the child with disabilities, these lines are better indicated as wavy lines because of the child’s unequal development. Dr. Montessori saw these differences in children and spoke of the need to follow all children through techniques of observation and assessment. This information is then analyzed in order to plan for individualized instruction, to meet the needs of individual children.

Academic Phase

The Academic Phase (170 hours consisting of non-degree-bearing coursework) is comprised of courses to build knowledge and skills for Montessori-credentialed teachers currently working with students with disabilities in inclusive Montessori classrooms.

Of the 170 hours, 48 hours are held in-residence at West Side Montessori School and 122 hours are in an online format, with an additional 25 hours of fieldwork during specific courses. Together with 5 hours of orientation to the program, to our learning management system, and to the practicum phase, the total program is 200 hours total.

Practicum: Student Teaching

In the practicum, candidates apply the knowledge they gain from the academic coursework in a supervised student teaching placement. Candidates are responsible for finding their own placement, though if there is a minimum of one student who has previously been identified, or is in the process of being identified, the candidate’s current classroom will serve as the practicum setting. The candidate must work for a minimum of 16 weeks (half-day for IT and EC, full day for EL) in an approved Montessori school under the supervision of a qualified supervising teacher. Self-directed practicums are possible but must be approved by the Program Director before enrollment in the program. No portion of the practicum may precede the start of the academic coursework.


WSMS-TEP’s Montessori Inclusion Endorsement Program prepares candidates for the American Montessori Society (AMS) Montessori Inclusion Endorsement. The MIE program at WSMS-TEP begins in the fall with an online course. Candidates may begin the asynchronous orientation to WSMS-TEP and Orientation to Online Learning as soon as enrollment has been finalized. Online courses continue throughout the school year according to the published calendar. Candidates must attend the mandatory in-residence Differentiated Instruction course for a 6-day period in the summer session. WSMS-TEP will consider offering the in-residence portion in other locations if there is sufficient cohort enrolled. Practicum in a Montessori inclusive environment may begin after the summer session and is concurrent with the final online coursework and practicum phase. The total time to complete the program is estimated at 18 months.


Katherine Schneider
MIE Coordinator

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