August (’14) and Wynne (’16) Singer

The Singer family moved to California in the summer of 2019. August (’14) is now in 8th grade at Santa Barbara Middle School, which has a unique outdoor program that integrates biking and camping trips all over California and the West into the curriculum. He is part of a Community Action volunteer group, and still plays chess and club soccer. Since moving to Santa Barbara, August discovered that he loves to surf and play guitar. He is looking forward to applying for high school this fall.

Wynne (’16) is in 5th grade at Montecito Union School. She loves working at the school’s outdoor nature lab, where she helped design and build a tortoise habitat. She helps harvest eggs from the chicken coop and vegetables from the biodynamic garden, and sells them to support the school. Wynne also loves to play soccer; her team won the AYSO Western State championships last year! She is learning to play tennis, swimming on the weekends, and has started to play the ukulele. Wynne is looking forward to visiting DC with her 5th grade class this spring.