• Professional Development & School Consultation

Professional Development

In addition to Montessori teacher and administrator training, WSMS-TEP provides professional development workshops and opportunities throughout the year. Our workshops provide continuing education for credentialed educators, as well as learning opportunities for uncredentialed teachers, assistants and aides, as well as administrators, related service providers, and parents seeking a deeper understanding of Montessori philosophy and practice. If you would like to learn more about our professional development offerings, and would like to be notified of upcoming workshops, please contact Sheba Kapur at skapur@wsmsnyc.org

School Consultation

WSMS-TEP faculty provide private consultation to Montessori schools. We have partnered with leaders of new Montessori schools seeking guidance on all aspects of establishing and operating a school community, environmental preparation, and the affiliation/accreditation process. We also partner with school leaders to provide professional development workshops tailored to the needs of your faculty, staff and parents. To learn how WSMS-TEP can partner with your program, please contact Lisanne Pinciotti at lpinciotti@wsmsnyc.org

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