• Frequently Asked Questions

Admissions begin one year prior to desired entry. Our four-step admissions process is:

  1. Submit an application
  2. Attend a classroom observation (parents only)
  3. Attend a parent interview
  4. Attend a group child visit

We offer AM (8:30-12:30am), PM (1:00-5:00pm), 9 to 3 (M-Th 9:00am-3:00pm, F 9:00am-12:30pm), and LAP (8:30am-5:30pm) programs. 8am drop-off and 6pm pick-up options are also available.

Our application deadline is in January. We begin accepting applications in September, and consider each and every application with equal care and consideration whether it is received on the first day or the last day of our Admissions season.

Multi-Age Program applicants must be three years old by December 31 of their first year. Twos Program applicants must be two years old by September 1.

Applications for current/sibling families are available by request to jlyons@wsmsnyc.org in September. Applications for new to WSMS families will be available online in December if there is still space available. Our commitment to current families combined with our space limitations require us to open applications to new families only after the needs of our current families have been met.

No, attendance at an Open House is optional and does not have an effect on our admission decision.

Yes, we invite you to attend an Open House before or after an application is submitted.

The application fee is $50. This fee is waived for families who apply for financial aid. There is a $48 fee to submit a financial aid application through SSS. SSS offers a limited number of fee waivers for qualifying families.

WSMS follows the ISAAGNY notification and reply date schedule. (See dates at right)

In 2017-2018, our tuition for AM and PM programs is $24,932; 9 to 3 program tuition is $30,836; LAP tuition is $38,060. Tuition for our 11-month LAP program (8:30-5:30, September-August) is $46,284.

Please indicate on your application for admission that you are interested in applying for Financial Aid. Starting in November, you may access the Financial Aid application through a service called SSS. Step-by-step instructions are available on our website under “Tuition and Financial Aid”.

A family’s ability to pay is not a determining factor in offering a child a place in our school.

Letters of recommendation are not required.

At WSMS, we are committed to partnering with families throughout their early childhood educational experience. Siblings of current or past WSMS students are considered early in the admissions process and given priority, when appropriate. Legacy applicants are also considered early in the admissions process. Per ISAAGNY guidelines, sibling and legacy applicants may opt for early notification.

WSMS follows the ISAAGNY notification and reply date schedule. (See dates at right). Notifications are sent by email.

The Montessori approach is named after Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori, whose pioneering work with young children in the early twentieth century led her to develop an entire philosophy of education. Dr. Montessori recognized children’s natural curiosity and asserted that children are capable of learning a great deal on their own if given the proper supportive environment in which to do so. Her method emphasizes teaching children how to learn.
Here are some of the key aspects of the Montessori approach that we implement at WSMS:

  • Classes are formed of mixed age groupings. This enables younger children to learn from older children and gives older children the opportunity to teach others, thus building their sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.
  • Children are permitted to work for long blocks of uninterrupted time, thereby building focus and granting the satisfaction that comes from completing a task.
  • The classroom environment is prepared. Teachers are responsible for presenting an orderly array of attractive, child-sized, easy-to-reach learning materials so that children can develop freedom of choice, self-discipline, and personal responsibility while being engaged in learning.
  • Teachers are observant facilitators (“guide on the side,” not “sage on the stage”). They follow each child, careful to understand her/his learning style and temperament, helping her/him to choose work that will help that child grow through self-discovery.
  • Central to every interaction is respect for the child. Teachers have a profound belief in the unique capability of each child and of all children.

We truly want to embrace every family with all of their special and unique differences, just as we know and love every child for exactly who he or she is. We build curriculum around the idea of family, beginning with information that is shared at a home visit and beginning-of-year conference. Throughout the year, teachers and administration check in with families through casual conversations, scheduled meetings, conferences and phone calls. Families are warmly invited to visit their child’s classroom to share their traditions, read a book, or to have a meal. The school hosts workshops and drop-in groups to help families discuss or better understand issues related to children’s physical, emotional, and social growth. All parents are members of the Parents Association. The active parent body is a great source of pride at WSMS, and we value every contribution to our school community in whatever way works for each family. Some ways that parents get involved include hosting a Class Dinner, spending a Saturday morning at Hippo Playground at our Bulb Planting event, working the grill at our Fall Festival, selling tickets for our annual Auction, photographing children for the yearbook, and much more! As a school that was founded in 1963 by a caring group of parents, each and every family is a special part of our history.

At WSMS, just as children are encouraged to learn independently, so are they encouraged to try to resolve their conflicts amongst themselves. When children are not able to work through a conflict directly, teachers escort them away from the scene and each other, sit with each of them as they “quiet” or “calm” themselves, and, when everyone is ready, help/guide the children toward reaching a resolution with mutual respect and empathy. All of our teachers are trained to model calm and respectful behavior at all times, and they are able to teach self-management skills to their students.

We believe it is our responsibility to help parents and children make the smoothest possible transition to their next school. Our goal is to help families find schools that are a good match for their child, and to provide parents with information and guidance to demystify the process. Head of School Mimi Basso meets privately with each family to help them sort through their options and make the best choices at each decision point. She sends out a series of newsletters outlining where parents should be in the application process, and hosts panel discussions where alumni families share their experiences at ongoing schools. Our experienced and caring classroom teachers are partners in the process as well; they can help parents better understand their child’s strengths and learning style.


General Information/Admissions
Lisanne Pinciotti

Administrator Program
Melissa Freeman

Elementary Program
Sheba Kapur

Early Childhood Program
Lisanne Pinciotti

Infant Toddler Program
Uniit Carruyo

Concordia Masters Program
Charles Frank

Montessori Inclusion Endorsement
Katherine Schneider

Application Deadlines for 2020-2021 Enrollment

  • AMS Scholarships:
    May 1, 2020
  • WSMS-TEP Summer Scholarships:
    May 1, 2020
  • WSMS-TEP Fall Scholarships:
    August 1, 2020
  • Early Childhood Track 1 (Summer Entry):
    June 1, 2020
  • Elementary:
    June 1, 2020
  • Administrator:
    June 1, 2020
  • Early Childhood Track 2 (Fall Entry):
    August 15, 2020 
  • Infant Toddler:
    August 15, 2020
  • Montessori Inclusion Endorsement:
    August 15, 2020
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