• Administrator Program

The Administrator Montessori certification program is designed specifically for current and aspiring heads of schools, principals, program directors and those who seek leadership positions.

Coursework is offered in Montessori Philosophy, Educational Leadership, Montessori Curriculum, School Operations and Program Development. Our faculty and guest lecturers offer a range of experiences and varied perspectives. The Practicum phase is facilitated through visits from an experienced Field Consultant to support individual needs and growth in Montessori leadership. Emphasis is placed on developing a network of professional colleagues through the cohort model.

Program Models

Model 1
For individuals with prior school leadership experience, but without a Montessori teacher credential at any level. This program provides specific content knowledge in Montessori philosophy/pedagogy and leadership topics. There are two options for a pathway through
Model 1.

Option A focuses on one specific curriculum level including Montessori philosophy combined with a specialized course of school leadership topics.

Option B provides a concentration in Montessori philosophy and curriculum combined with the full course of school leadership topics.

Model 2
For individuals who have previously earned a Montessori teacher credential at any level and who seek knowledge and skills in educational leadership.

Model 3
For individuals who seek knowledge and skills in Montessori
philosophy/pedagogy/curriculum and educational leadership. This individual holds neither a Montessori teaching credential nor a prior degree in educational leadership.

Program Format

Academic Schedule

  • Summer Session A (all models): Classes are held Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., during two weeks of July.
  • An online course is scheduled from September through May (all models). A Zoom session is scheduled for the cohort once each month.
  • Summer Session B: Classes are held Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., for two weeks and two days in July (all models).

Academic Phase

The Academic Phase (200+ hours for all models) consists of a non-degree-bearing cycle of coursework in Montessori leadership theory and practice. The Administrator credential program is offered through a hybrid format. In-person classes are held at West Side Montessori School, online sessions via our Learning Management Systems (Canvas), and virtual sessions via Zoom.

Practicum Phase

In the Practicum Phase, students apply the knowledge they have gained from the Academic Phase in an administrative position. Students are responsible for finding their own placement, though we will offer suggestions of schools that we have found to be successful internship sites. This phase is non-degree-bearing and the student must work in an administrative role for a minimum 720 hours in a school year (4+ hours per day), September through June, in an approved Montessori school.


Melissa Freeman
Admissions Contact and Practicum Coordinator

Lisanne Pinciotti
Administrator Level Coordinator

Already have a Montessori credential?

Are you interested in learning more about how to create an inclusive Montessori classroom? Consider combining your teaching credential with the Montessori Inclusion Endorsement (MIE) at a reduced tuition rate. After you complete a teaching credential, you will continue your studies with the MIE in the next cohort.

For more information, contact Katherine Schneider at kschneider@wsmsnyc.org today!

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